Our son has been turned into a porter by Raila. Kamba elders …….

Kamba elders from Kitui and Makueni have contradicted Raila Odinga style of politics. They are accusing Raila; that after voting for him in 2013 and 2017 he ought to have managed his cards well enough to ensure the kambaland benefits from the alliances. The elders have cited that all they are getting is condemnation and frustration. They told Raila that they have gone through a lot of tribulation for his sake and its high time they opted for other better option which are readily available. Point on check they highlighted of how Raila misused their son Kalonzo Musyoka to carry bundles of petition papers to the court rooms. “The caliber of Kalonzo Musyoka cannot be carrying sacks of papers at night to the court. Kalonzo is not a court messenger!!He is a distinguished lawyer, he is our royal son, his status and age doesn’t allow that!!!the elders went ahead to contradict why the need for 25000 pages, stating that even Kamlesh Pattni used to carry lories full of evidence and it didn’t work for him. But they still hoped and wished Raila the best.

Do you still remember Kenyan cutest gangstar? his lethal husband Mwani has also been killed like ………

Do you still remember Kenyan cutest gangstar? his lethal husband Mwani has also been  killed like ………
The famous and lethal gangstar of the blood spitting Gaza gang is no more. Mwani who was the husband of the notorious cutest gangstar Cleah was killed on Sunday morning 20th August 2017.Mwani had dared the police and told them that he would revenge the death of his wife who was also killed while on a robbery mission. It is not known with certainty whether it is “hessy wa dandora” or “hessy wa kayole” who slain the Gaza supremo. It was intimated that he had killed police officers in Kayole and had gone into hiding in Ruiru where he met his death.