Mutahi Ngunyi the hitman,LOOK the way he is attacking Raila.

Truly I tell you; Mutahi Ngunyi is a hitman, look at what he says about Raila “if Kalonzo WINS, Country is SAFE, If Kalonzo LOSES, Country is SAFE. If Raila loses, country in TROUBLE. If Raila WINS Country in TROUBLE “
With his hypothesis which runs ON K24 TV station every Sunday has left many political followers of Raila catching mafeelings. We cannot tell with certainty who is funding this program “THE 5TH ESTATE” but we all know the owners of K24 TV may be there are the ones funding the program.

What really causes cancer? Here is the answer.

What really causes cancer? Here is the answer.
Causes of cancer may include processed food and red meat, not getting enough fruits and vegetable and lack of regular physical activity/ excess body fatness and excessive alcohol this is according to a research conducted by the American institute for cancer research (AICR) SMOKING  tobacco and an acidic ph may be  also be another cause.
breast cancer cells

Lung cancer cells


Some scientists are beating about the bush saying that cancer is caused by a virus, bacteria or some set of parasites. This is very wrong, all this virus, bacteria or parasites have been with us since the old ages of our grandfathers and they never died of cancer. You cant tell us that cancer is caused by alcohol; oooh for Gods sake my grandmother was a heavy drinker and she didn’t died of cancer. some researchers even mention stress as the ; brother even more stress was there during old age, even job of the Bible didn’t died of cancer after loosing all his children and more.
It only takes an analytical eye to know the causes of cancer and have an idea of what cancer is. Look at the lifestyle changes between our grandfathers day when cancer was almost non-existent to now when it has grown to an enormous man eater.
In America alone one in every two men and one in every three women will suffer from cancer during their lifespan. Africa has not been left behind the numbers of fatalities from this scourge is alarming. The only answer to the cause of cancer is what we take into our bodies that our old folks didn’t take and what ought to take out that isn’t being removed from our bodies. I mean accumulation of toxins in our bodies
The problem with the medical field is that it is full of bureaucracy that even a common sense which ought to be researched is ignored. Here is the truth, in 1800 a great French scientist by the name Antoine Becham pointed out that “………cancer and most of other illness is caused by a combination of toxins and cellular terrain ” by poor cellular terrain he meant cells which have not been properly nourished, hydrated, cleaned and oxygenated.
Andreas Moritz in his book cancer is not a Disease, he stated that cancer is a survival mechanism. Cell that are under pressure from inflammation, toxins etc can start changing what we call “ changes in cellular mitochondria ” the cell will refuse to die (when its times comes) as the normal cell do, but they will multiply and create protective layer. Under normal` circumstances when cells take in oxygen, oxidation of Reactive oxygen species (ROS) helps the cells to die a programmed death. When oxidation doesn’t take place the cell won’t die.
Cancer is a disease largely generated by you. You want live life without the threat of cancer? Here are life saving tips in their order of gravity
1)      Toxins intake-this is the main cause of cancer as stated by both Antoine Becham and Andreas Moritz. So how do we tackle toxins? First we must watch critically of what we eat. Avoid processed food at all cost, avoid food which have preservatives (e.g. sodium benzoate) in it e.g. sodas, canned food. processed milk, canned food etc
Be very weary of the vegetable you take. most of them have been sprayed with pesticide which are very poisonous and if possible plant your own vegetables, avoid foods/ vegetables planted in treated sewerage; chemicals used in treatment of sewerage are poisonous
Avoid processed, canned meat, avoid places with a lot of industrial pollution, ensure your environment is green with lots of trees, do not burn plastic waste around your house, don’t use chemicals to treat your water, you should prefer boiling of water or use of Uv  sunlight rays to treat your water.

Detoxification- as much as we try to avoid toxins, some will get into your system. We must divulge on ways to remove them from our bodies. Here we will talk of foods to take to detoxify your body. The food is neem leaves; take this atleast 1 liter of boiled leaves every month and you are good to go. Other leaves include cowpea leaves(mkunde),jute Mallow( mrenda),Black nightshade/ solanum nigrum (mnavu) etc. don’t throw the first water drink it and eat the leaves
1)      also by this you ensure that your cells are cleansed properly hence free from developing into cancerous

2)      Right food- you have been told since young that a healthy plate should have half of green, a quarter of protein (preferable plant protein) and a Quarter Carbohydrate; do you eat like this. Avoid cereals that have been processed. If its maize flour make sure its whole and nothing has been removed. By following this you ensure that your cells are well nourished and are free from stress
3)      Ensure your cells are properly hydrated by drinking clean water in the right amount. Not less than 8 glasses( 2 liters) plus other fluids such as juice, tea etc. cells that that are not properly hydrated are  stressed and may develop to be cancerous
2 liters of water everyday.
4)      Ensure that where you live there is plenty of oxygen. If your cells are not properly oxygenated they will be stressed. Such stress over a period can cause changes in the cellular mitochondria which ultimately causes cancer. Avoid congested areas, make your environment green
Avoid polluted environment
In nut shell, you want to avoid cancer? Eat right/nourish, hydrate your body, oxygenate your body and biggest of all avoid Toxins and remove them when and incase they enter your body. Have healthy day.